S P Suresh

CMI, Chennai

S P Suresh is an Associate Professor of Theoretical Computer Science at the Chennai Mathematical Institute. He completed his MCA from REC (now NIT) Trichy (1996), holds a PhD from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, and has been working at CMI for the past 15 years. His research interests include logic in computer science, concurrency and distributed computing, and formal methods for security.

S P Suresh

Session 2C – Symposium on Blockchains and Cryptocurrency

Chair: R L Karandikar, CMI, Chennai

Bitcoin – economic aspects

The talk will explore the fundamental features of Bitcoin as money. Some of the questions that will be addressed are: What gives Bitcoin its value? What are some of the fundamental choices in the Bitcoin algorithm that determine the economics of Bitcoin as a currency? How much can Bitcoin grow? Are there inherent limitations to its growth?

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